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The Day I Knew I HAD To Start This Coaching Business Was During A Board Meeting

Sound unusual? Picture this...

...Early morning, the sun low over the ocean, the air still. The water temperature a crisp 17 degrees Celsius. With a surf board underneath me, surrounded by a few good friends, this was my favourite type of board meeting.

3 surfers waiting for a wave
Three surfers waiting for waves. My favourite type of Board Meeting

Sitting out the back and waiting for the next set, we talked about work, as we often did. It wasn’t the first time that I had raised the idea of setting up my own coaching business. Someone asked the question,

"What's stopping you doing it now?"

Despite loving my corporate job at the time, there really was nothing else stopping me. I knew in that moment, that despite my excuses and fears, it was time to set up my own coaching business. I have always enjoyed taking a risk, of the adventure that comes with it, and coaching was my sweet spot… it was my passion and there was nothing really stopping me.

It took me another year to finally launch my coaching business! I would say to myself, "I just need to finish this new corporate role well… I need to finish my coaching degree… a website... a marketing plan", and so on… Sound familiar? What can often sit behind procrastination are competing needs or values. It's such a common theme in my coaching that I write about procrastination here. But that fateful board meeting I would remember as the birth of my coaching business. Riding those waves that day were extra sweet.

This all happened in Australia, and I enjoyed over 2 years of coaching clients and building up my business. Now having made the transition to life in Europe, and establishing permanent residency, there is again nothing stopping me! It is now time again to put procrastination and perfection aside and make the leap!

Do you have a dream, or goal that you have been putting off or waiting for the right time? I would love to hear from you in the comments section!

One final note before I ask for your help, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported in getting me to this day, for providing me with invaluable input and encouragement to launch version 2.0. Time to ride the next wave.

So here I am, LAUNCH DAY is finally here! Please help me celebrate by liking or commenting on my post or checking out my website and spreading the word!


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